Thursday, 23 October 2014

Amazingly Insta Diwali Pictures

Diwali is a festival of light, happiness, prosperity and life. It’s the biggest festival celebrated by Indians across the world. 

Just while looking into instagram I found some incredible talented people share such beautiful images of this Diwali. 

Have a look whats happening in India :- 

A video posted by Anirudh Goli (@anirudhgoli) on

A video posted by sahil sindhu (@lolggnoobs) on

And finally how india is look from satellite today !!

A photo posted by Priya๐Ÿ˜˜ (@prettypriya1) on

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Finding Life means is - Eternal (Endless)

Title describe the thought of today!!

Everyone is trying so hard to understand the means of his/her life. But the best part is - Its Eternal - (Endless)

Don't run after things. It truly your thoughts which makes the society and your living beautiful. So think beautiful.

I found that same beauty in two people in twitter. +Sujit Kumar Lucky  +Nishant Yadav